1. Introduction
for example: consignments
URI | http://test.birdsystem.co.ukcom/client/consignment | |||||
Method | POST | |||||
Content-Type | application/json | |||||
URL Param | - | |||||
Body Param |
| |||||
Response |
Query Single Record Detail
URI | http://test.birdsystem.co.ukcom/client/consignment | |||||
Method | GET | |||||
Content-Type | application/json | |||||
URL Param | id=1707170020000004 | |||||
Body Param | - | |||||
Response |
Query Records List
URI | http://test.birdsystem.co.ukcom/client/consignment | ||
Method | GET | ||
Content-Type | application/json | ||
URL Param | start=0&limit=50&sort=[{"property":"update_time","direction":"DESC"}] | ||
start: the return record list start offset, , Optional Default 0 | |||
Body Param | - | ||
Response |
When we query record list, we have another common query params besides the param "start", "limit", "sort",seeing below (the following params should send to server by GET request)
param | type | note | examples |
selectFields | string | the columns which should be return when query record list (this value should be URL encoded) | such as we need to return fields : status,is_urgent,total_weight,total_volume_weight,type,update_time,create_time. we should concat these field names with comma, then do URL encoded finally, the url params should be: selectFields=status%2Cis_urgent%2Ctotal_weight%2Ctotal_volume_weight%2Ctype%2Cupdate_time%2Ccreate_time |
filter | string | the filter condition which should be applied when query record list (this value should be URL encoded) | such as we need to query the consignment list which status is FINISHED ,and last update time is newer than 2017-09-10,条the query conditions should be : [ {"type":"date","comparison":"gt","value":"2017-09-10","field":"update_time"}, {"type":"list","value":["FINISHED"],"field":"status"} ]. after url encoded,the url params should be: filter=5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22date%22%2C%22comparison%22%3A%22gt%22%2C%22value%22%3A%222017-09-10%22%2C%22field%22%3A%22update_time%22%7D%2C%7B%22type%22%3A%22list%22%2C%22value%22%3A %5B%22FINISHED%22%5D%2C%22field%22%3A%22status%22%7D%5D |
custom defined filter field by each table list | string | In order to fullfill the different requirements, some API can use query filter on some frequently used fields. we can directly send params "fieldname=fieldvalue" to these API. Please refer to the relevant API documentation for the conditions available for each API | such as Product list,frequently query by client_ref or status,so we support this two fileds used as custom filter。 then we can use this fields as url params: client_ref=IPxxx or status=PENDING (you can use multi conditions in same time) |
URI | http://test.birdsystem.co.ukcom/client/consignment | |||||
Method | POST | |||||
Content-Type | application/json | |||||
URL Param | id=1707170020000004 | |||||
Body Param |
| |||||
Response |
URI | http://test.birdsystem.co.ukcom/client/consignment | ||
Method | DELETE | ||
Content-Type | application/json | ||
URL Param | id=1707170020000004 | ||
Body Param | - | ||
Response |