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URL | http://test.birdsystem.com/client/consignment/Post-Pending-Consignment-With-Products-Json | ||
接口功能 |
| ||
支持格式 | JSON | 开发人员 | |
请求方式 | POST | 发布日期 |
参数 | 说明 | 是否必填 | 类型 |
is_urgent | 是否是紧急订单 | 选填 | TINYINT(1) |
delivery_service_id | 邮递服务ID, 参考接口: 获取邮递服务 | 必填 | INT(4) |
sales_reference | 销售跟踪号 | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) |
sales_order_id | 销售订单号 | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) |
custom_identity_reference | 自定义惟一标识 (注: 如果填写了,会进行检测,同一种类型同一站点下的订单,6个月内不能有重复的标识) 重复的话会返回: {"success":false,"message":"Duplicate consignment identity reference [....]"} | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) |
contact | 联系人 | 必填 | VARCHAR(100) |
business_name | 公司 | 选填 | VARCHAR(255) |
address_line1 | 地址行1 | 选填 | VARCHAR(100) |
address_line2 | 地址行2 | 选填 | VARCHAR(100) |
address_line3 | 地址行3 | 选填 | VARCHAR(100) |
city | 城市 | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) |
county | 省/郡 | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) |
post_code | 邮编 | 选填 | VARCHAR(10) |
country_iso | 国家 | 必填 | CHAR(2) |
telephone | 电话 | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) |
电子邮件 | 选填 | VARCHAR(255) | |
special_instruction | 备注1 | 选填 | VARCHAR(255) |
type | 订单类型 | 选填 | 'AGENT_DIRECT' |
products | 产品 | 必填 | "products":[ { "product_name": "3apple29", "product_name_cn":"3苹果29", "brand":"asd品牌", "client_ref":"a4624", "price_customs_export": "3", "sales_price":"10", "hs_code":"12121212", "country_of_origin":"CN", "weight": "300", "quantity": "1", "product_customs_property":["其它"], "attachment-url":"http://www.qqma.com/imgpic2/cpimagenew/2018/4/5/6e1de60ce43d4bf4b9671d7661024e7a.jpg" } ] |
parcel_pieces | 多包裹信息 | 选填(如果仅一个包裹时可不用填) | 数据结构如下: [ {"weight":500, "length":25, "width":20, "depth":15, "description":"table"}, {"weight":400, "length":22, "width":18, "depth":13, "description":"chair"}, ] 备注:重量为克(g),长度为毫米(mm) |
payment_reference | 付款凭证 | 选填 | VARCHAR |
omp_name | 销售平台名称 | 选填 | VARCHAR |
omp_vat_number | 销售平台的vat号 | 选填 | VARCHAR |
shipper_eori | 客户的EORI号,必须是国家代码+12位数字,例如:GB000000777888 ,必须提前在鸟系统备案,详询客服. 参考接口: 获取VAT账号 | 英国发往EU必填 | VARCHAR |
reason_for_export | 出口原因,值【SALE:销售;RETURNREPLACEMENT:退换; GIFT:礼物】 | 选填 | VARCHAR |
content_type | 包裹类型,值【Gift 礼物;Documents 文件和 Other 其他】 | 选填 | VARCHAR |
ebay_transaction_id | eBay订单交易号,加在product_company_ref里边 | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) |
ebay_item_no | eBay产品ID,加在product_company_ref里边 | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) |
返回字段 | 字段类型 | 说明 |
success | int | 返回结果状态。true:正常,false:失败 |
id | int | 订单ID |
company_id | int | 公司ID |
client_id | int | 客户ID |
warehouse_id | int | 仓库ID |
consignment_product_quantity | int | 订单产品数量 |
consignment_product_reference | VARCHAR | 产品英文名称 |
delivery_service_id | int | 邮递服务ID |
delivery_service_id_internal | int | 内部邮递服务 |
delivery_package_size_id | int | 包装尺寸 |
total_price | int | 产品总价格 |
total_delivery_fee | int | 邮递服务费用 |
total_handling_fee | int | 手续费 |
length | int | 长 |
width | int | 宽 |
depth | int | 高 |
total_weight | float(‘%.2f’) | 总重量 |
total_volume | int | 总体积 |
total_volume_weight | int | 总体积重 |
total_fee_weight | int | 计费重 |
guarantee_percentage | int | 担保比例 |
contact | VARCHAR | 联系人 |
business_name | VARCHAR | 公司名称 |
address_line1 | VARCHAR | 地址行1 |
address_line2 | VARCHAR | 地址行2 |
address_line3 | VARCHAR | 地址行3 |
city | VARCHAR | 城市 |
county | VARCHAR | 省/郡 |
post_code | VARCHAR | 邮编 |
country_iso | VARCHAR | 国家简称 |
telephone | int | 电话 |
VARCHAR | 邮箱 | |
sender_contact | VARCHAR | 发件人 |
sender_business_name | VARCHAR | 发件人公司名称 |
sender_address_line1 | VARCHAR | 发件人地址行1 |
sender_address_line2 | VARCHAR | 发件人地址行2 |
sender_address_line3 | VARCHAR | 发件人地址行3 |
sender_city | VARCHAR | 发件人城市 |
sender_county | VARCHAR | 发件人省/郡 |
sender_post_code | int | 发件人邮编 |
sender_country_iso | VARCHAR | 发件人国家简称 |
sender_email | VARCHAR | 发件人邮箱 |
sender_telephone | VARCHAR | 发件人电话 |
sales_reference | VARCHAR | 销售跟踪号 |
sales_price | int | 销售价格 |
customs_price | int | 报关价格 |
custom_identity_reference | VARCHAR | 自定义唯一跟踪号 |
omp_name | VARCHAR | 销售平台名称,(必须是英文), ebay, amazon 等 |
omp_vat_number | VARCHAR | 销售平台VAT号 |
shipper_eori | VARCHAR | EORI号 |
sales_order_id | VARCHAR | 销售订单号 |
payment_reference | VARCHAR | 付款凭证 |
delivery_reference | VARCHAR | 运输跟踪号 |
tracking_reference | VARCHAR | 17tarck跟踪号 |
special_instruction | VARCHAR | 备注1 |
neighbour_instruction | VARCHAR | 备注2 |
temp_consignment_info_id | int | 临时订单号 |
is_urgent | BOOL | 是否为紧急订单,1:是,0:否 |
is_forced_delivery_service | BOOL | 是否强制选择一种邮递服务 |
create_time | DATATIME | 创建时间 |
finish_time | DATATIME | 完成时间 |
arrive_time | DATATIME | 抵达时间 |
update_time | DATATIME | 更新时间 |
type | VARCHAR | 订单类型 |
status | VARCHAR | 订单状态 |
stock_status | VARCHAR | 库存状态 |
is_hide_delivery_reference_to_consignment | BOOL | 是否隐藏订单运输跟踪号 |
delivery_service_is_signature | BOOL | 邮递服务是否签名服务 |
delivery_service_is_tracking | BOOL | 邮递服务是否跟踪服务 |
reason_for_export | VARCHAR | 出口原因,值【SALE:销售; RETURNREPLACEMENT:退换; GIFT:礼物】 |
content_type | VARCHAR | 包裹类型,值【Gift 礼物;Documents 文件和 Other 其他】 |
{ "company_id":"{{bs.default_company_id}}", "api_key":"{{bs.default_api_key}}" }
[ { "contact": "Norman Drury", "business_name": null, "address_line1": "3, Northam Close", "address_line2": "Marshside", "address_line3": null, "city": "Southport", "county": "Merseyside", "post_code": "PR9 9GA", "country_iso": "GB", "telephone": "01704 226830", "email": "mm", "delivery_service_id": "5947", "sales_reference": "2", "sales_order_id": "110222319566-0", "omp_name": "ebay", "omp_vat_number": "12345", "shipper_eori": "12345000", "products":[ { "product_name": "3apple29", "product_name_cn":"3苹果29", "brand":"asd品牌", "client_ref":"a4624", "price_customs_export": "3", "sales_price":"10", "hs_code":"12121212", "weight": "300", "quantity": "1", "product_customs_property":["其它","电池","纯电池"], "attachment-url":"http://www.qqma.com/imgpic2/cpimagenew/2018/4/5/6e1de60ce43d4bf4b9671d7661024e7a.jpg", "country_of_origin":"CN", "ebay_transaction_id":"2222", "ebay_item_no":"33" } ], "reason_for_export": "SALE", "content_type": "Other", "type":"AGENT_DIRECT" } ]
{ "success": true, "data": [ { "id": 2012010010000341, "company_id": 1, "client_id": 4790, "warehouse_id": null, "consignment_product_quantity": "1", "consignment_product_reference": "3apple29", "delivery_service_id": 5947, "delivery_service_id_internal": 5947, "delivery_package_size_id": 1, "total_price": "0.00", "total_delivery_fee": "0.30", "total_handling_fee": "0.10", "length": "0.00", "width": "0.00", "depth": "0.00", "total_weight": "300.00", "total_volume": "0.00", "total_volume_weight": "0.0000", "total_fee_weight": "300.0000", "guarantee_percentage": "0.00", "contact": "Norman Drury", "business_name": null, "address_line1": "3, Northam Close", "address_line2": "Marshside", "address_line3": null, "city": "Southport", "county": "Merseyside", "post_code": "PR9 9GA", "country_iso": "GB", "telephone": "01704 226830", "email": "mm", "sender_contact": null, "sender_business_name": null, "sender_address_line1": null, "sender_address_line2": null, "sender_address_line3": null, "sender_city": null, "sender_county": null, "sender_post_code": null, "sender_country_iso": null, "sender_email": null, "sender_telephone": null, "sales_reference": "2", "sales_price": "0.000", "customs_price": "3.000", "custom_identity_reference": null, "omp_name": "ebay", "omp_vat_number: "12345", "shipper_eori": "12345000", "sales_order_id": "110222319566-0", "payment_reference": null, "delivery_reference": null, "tracking_reference": null, "special_instruction": null, "neighbour_instruction": null, "temp_consignment_info_id": null, "is_urgent": "0", "is_forced_delivery_service": "0", "create_time": "2020-12-01 18:06:19", "finish_time": "2020-12-01 18:06:20", "arrive_time": null, "update_time": "2020-12-01 18:06:20", "type": "AGENT_DIRECT", "status": "FINISHED", "stock_status": "ONLY_ORI_STOCK_ENOUGH", "is_hide_delivery_reference_to_consignment": "0", "delivery_service_is_signature": "0", "delivery_service_is_tracking": "1", "reason_for_export": "SALE", "content_type": "Other" } ], "moduleName": "client" }
line: 创建失败的时候, 会告知是哪一个line出错.
data是创建成功的订单号和跟踪号的键值对 json对象
{ "success": false, "message": "You must provide valid contact for consignment at line ." }
url | http://test.birdsystem.com/client/delivery-service?consignment_type=LOCAL | |||
1 | 接口功能 | 查询邮递服务信息以及邮递服务限制条件 | ||
2 | 支持格式 | URL | 开发人员 | |
3 | 请求方式 | GET | 发布日期 |
参数 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 | |
1 | id | 选填 | int(4) | 邮递服务ID |
2 | special_type | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) | 邮递服务特殊类别 |
3 | consignment_type | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) | 邮递服务所属订单类型 |
4 | status | 选填 | VARCHAR(50) | 邮递服务所属状态 |
返回字段 | 字段类型 | 说明 | |
1 | id | int | 邮递服务ID |
2 | company_id | int | 站点ID |
3 | restrict_max_length_contact | int | 联系人最大长度 |
4 | restrict_max_length_address_line1 | int | 地址行1最大长度 |
5 | restrict_max_length_address_line2 | int | 地址行2最大长度 |
6 | restrict_max_length_address_line3 | int | 地址行3最大长度 |
7 | restrict_max_length_post_code | int | 邮编最大长度 |
8 | restrict_regex_post_code | VARCHAR | 邮编正则表达式 |
9 | restrict_regex_telephone | VARCHAR | 电话正则表达式 |
10 | name | VARCHAR | 邮递服务名称 |
11 | locale_name | VARCHAR | 本地名称(当地区域语言) |
12 | is_signature | BOOL | 是否签名服务() |
13 | is_tracking | BOOL | 是否跟踪服务 |
14 | is_express | BOOL | 是否为快递 |
15 | is_international | BOOL | 是否为国际服务 |
16 | is_customs_required | BOOL | 是否需要报关 |
17 | is_check_post_code | BOOL | 是否检查邮编正确性 |
18 | is_check_telephone | BOOL | 是否检查电话正确性 |
19 | is_allow_urgent_consignment | BOOL | 是否允许设置紧急订单 |
20 | is_hide_delivery_reference_to_consignment | BOOL | 是否隐藏订单运输跟踪号 |
21 | special_type | VARCHAR | 邮递服务特殊类别 |
22 | consignment_type | VARCHAR | 邮递服务所属订单类型 |
23 | consignment_notice_enable | BOOL | 是否开启下单提示 |
24 | consignment_notice | status | 下单提示 |
25 | status | VARCHAR | 邮递服务当前状态 |
{ "company_id":"{{bs.default_company_id}}", "api_key":"{{bs.default_api_key}}", "id":5217 }
{ "total": 1, "data": [ { "id": 5217, "company_id": 36, "restrict_max_length_contact": "20", "restrict_max_length_address_line1": "20", "restrict_max_length_address_line2": "35", "restrict_max_length_address_line3": "35", "restrict_max_length_post_code": "0", "restrict_regex_post_code": null, "restrict_regex_telephone": null, "name": "飞鸟小包", "locale_name": "", "is_signature": "0", "is_tracking": "0", "is_express": "0", "is_international": "0", "is_customs_required": "0", "is_check_post_code": "0", "is_check_telephone": "0", "is_allow_urgent_consignment": "1", "is_hide_delivery_reference_to_consignment": "0", "special_type": null, "consignment_type": "LOCAL", "consignment_notice_enable": "0", "consignment_notice": "", "status": "ACTIVE" } ], "success": true, "moduleName": "client" }
url | |||
接口功能 |
| ||
支持格式 | JSON | 开发人员 | |
请求方式 | GET | 发布时间 |
参数 | 是否必填 | 类型 | 说明 |
id | 选填 | int | 产品属性ID |
返回字段 | 字段类型 | 说明 |
id | int | 产品属性ID |
name | VARCHAR | 产品属性名称 |
value_type | VARCHAR | 产品属性种类 |
default_value | VARCHAR | 产品属性默认值 |
symbol | VARCHAR | 产品属性符号 |
is_separate_picking_list | BOOL | 是否创建单独的拣货单 |
is_separate_warehouse_transfer | BOOL | 是否创建单独的调拨单 |
consignment_priority | int | 订单属性优先级 |
picking_list_group | VARCHAR | 渠道属性分组 |
create_time | DATATIME | 创建时间 |
special_type | VARCHAR | 特殊类别 |
primary_keys | VARCHAR | 主键列名 |
{ "company_id":"{{bs.default_company_id}}", "api_key":"{{bs.default_api_key}}", "id":1 }
{ "total": 1, "data": [ { "id": 1, "name": "内置锂离子电池", "value_type": "BOOL", "default_value": "sdsf", "symbol": "#", "is_separate_picking_list": "1", "is_separate_warehouse_transfer": "1", "consignment_priority": "2", "picking_list_group": "HK", "create_time": "2015-07-07 10:12:52", "special_type": "BETTERY", "primary_keys": [ "id" ] } ], "success": true, "moduleName": "client" }
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