URI: http://test.birdsystem.com/client/product
Field | Usage | Mandatory | Data Type |
id | ID | INT(10) | |
client_id | Client ID | INT(10) | |
name | Product name | YES | VARCHAR(100) |
name_customs | Product name used for customs (English) | YES | VARCHAR(100) |
customs_category_code | Customs category code | YES | INT(10) |
material | Material | YES | VARCHAR(50) |
usage | Usage | YES | VARCHAR(50) |
brand | Brand | YES | VARCHAR(50) |
color | Color | VARCHAR(100) | |
model | Model | VARCHAR(100) | |
url | URL | VARCHAR(500) | |
note | Node | VARCHAR(100) | |
client_ref | Client defined SKU | VARCHAR(50) | |
commodity_code | Commodity code (for customs use) | VARCHAR(50) | |
weight | Weight | DECIMAL(10,2) | |
length | Length | DECIMAL(10,2) | |
width | Width | DECIMAL(10,2) | |
depth | Depth | DECIMAL(10,2) | |
is_shared_internal | '1' to indict this product is shared for others to be able to sell | TINYINT(1) | |
description | Product description | TEXT | |
price | Product price is used to charge other user ( when is_shared_internal = 1) | FLOAT(8,2) | |
cost | Product cost is used to charge other user ( when is_shared_internal = 1) | FLOAT(8,2) | |
price_customs_import | Import price for customs to use | YES | FLOAT(8,2) |
price_customs_export | Export price for customs to use | YES | FLOAT(8,2) |
low_stock_level | Low stock level (used in reports to calculate low stock alert) | INT(5) | |
inventory_time | Inventory time for calculating product in transiting between warehouses | INT(3) | |