URI: http://test.birdsystem.co.uk/client/consignment
Field | Usage | Mandatory | Data Type |
id | ID | BINGINT(16) | |
client_id | Client ID号码 | INT(10) | |
is_urgent | ‘1’ to indict it's an urgent order | TINYINT(1) | |
delivery_service_id | Delivery Service ID | YES | INT(4) |
sales_reference | Sales reference | VARCHAR(50) | |
delivery_reference | Delivery Reference | VARCHAR(50) | |
arrive_time | Package arrival time | TIMESTAMP | |
update_time | Latest update time | TIMESTAMP | |
contact | Recipient contact | YES | VARCHAR(100) |
business_name | Recipient business name | VARCHAR(255) | |
address_line1 | Recipient address line 1 | VARCHAR(100) | |
address_line2 | Recipient address line 2 | VARCHAR(100) | |
address_line3 | Recipient address line 3 | VARCHAR(100) | |
city | Recipient city | VARCHAR(50) | |
county | Recipient county / province | VARCHAR(50) | |
post_code | Recipient post code | VARCHAR(10) | |
country_iso | Recipient country ISO code | YES | CHAR(2) |
telephone | Recipient telephone number | VARCHAR(50) | |
Recipient email | VARCHAR(255) | ||
special_instruction: | Special notice | VARCHAR(255) | |
neighbour_instruction: | Notice to neighbour | VARCHAR(255) | |
type | Consignment Type | ENUM('LOCAL','DIRECT','RETURN','AGENT_DIRECT') | |
Please notice Delivery Service ID is related to the Company ID you use and Country / Post Code where the consignment is sent to. When error occurred during placing order please validate Delivery Service first.
Local consignment uses the following Status:
Local consignment status flow: Preparing → Pending → Wait Picking → Picking → Processing → (Reviewing) → Finished
Return consignment uses the following status:
Return consignment status flow: Preparing → Received → pending → Processing → (Reviewing) → Finished
Agent direct consignment uses the following status:
Agent direct consignment status flow: Preparing → Pending → Processing → Finished