Convert Bulk Order to Consignment
After importing orders into Bulk Order, you need to convert them into Consignments so they will be processed in the warehouse.
Consignment successfully converted will be in 'Pending' status, and they are good to be processed in the warehouse.
URL | | ||||||||||||
Method | get | ||||||||||||
Payload | - | ||||||||||||
Response | [Error] { "numberOfTotalConsignmentsToProcess": 1, "numberOfConsignmentsProcessed": 1, "finished": true, "data": null, "errorIdList": [ { "id": 12010439, "message": "Cannot find delivery service, please check." } ], "success": true, "refresh": false }
{ "numberOfTotalConsignmentsToProcess": 1, "numberOfConsignmentsProcessed": 1, "finished": true, "data": { "12010439": "1507310110000001" }, "errorIdList": [], "success": true, "refresh": false } | ||||||||||||
Response explanation | numberOfTotalConsignmentsToProcess Total number of consignments to be converted | ||||||||||||
Parameters |